“You ask:
What can I expect of a Family Group?
Our response is:
For the people to love one another.”
The question is simple.
The answer is simple.
The impact is extraordinary!
Have you thought, “I wish I could get to know more of the parishioners I see in church?” Or maybe you’ve asked: “How can we show our children what it means to be Christian?”
By joining a Family Group, you will be in immediate contact with other families. Once you know them, you’ll be able to talk with them after Mass and share planned activities. A Family Group is a great way of helping you to break down barriers and meet new people.
Who will be in my Family Group?
A Family Group is made up of 10 to 12 families, with a cross section of ages, including some children of the same age—like an extended family. Everyone is welcome to join, from grandparents to babies. There is room for non-church attending spouses, one-parent families, and single people, elderly or young.
What if I’m single or divorced?
Our motto is “A Family for All.” A Family Group provides an extended family for all who wish to belong—married, single or divorced. There is a giving and receiving by all members of the group to each other. Everyone is welcome to join.
Do I have to be an active Catholic?
You just have to be yourself. Many non-church attendees have found belonging to a Family Group is a great way to become involved in the faith life of their family. Family Groups provide a non-threatening environment for non-church-going partners and friends.
Our Aims
Our members aim to get to know other members of the parish. We share our joys and sorrows, supporting each other, thus building our Christian community. We also involve our children in Christian sharing directly, if possible, or indirectly by our example, “Love one another as I have loved you.”
Our Activities
Each Family Group gathers once a month for a social, potluck, apple picking, bowling, etc., because we enjoy being with one another—which develops into supportive relationships. We are able to share our experiences through the good times and the difficult times, and enhance the family life here in our parish. We live our faith in the everyday circumstances of our lives.
How committed do I have to be?
A Family Group is just like a family, the bonds that develop and the feelings of belonging create a sense of responsibility for one another. As with all aspects of life, you reap what you sow. You will get from a Family Group what you put into it.
What can I give to a Family Group?
Yourself! You can give your friendship, support and time to other members of your group. You just have to be yourself. You can sit down and talk, share and listen to others. What you do doesn’t really matter. It is YOU that matters.
But I’m already very busy!
Do you spend your busy time with your family? Being in a Family Group will mean that at least once a month you will be sharing an experience with your own family—plus some 10 other families. Is that being too busy?
What if I already have enough friends?
Well, maybe a group needs you! And if you do have many friends, you don’t have to lose them to belong to a Family Group. Our Family Group Movement envisions creating a network where everybody knows at least 10 families well. Imagine how that would enhance the community spirit of our parish!
We currently have FIVE Family Groups associated with St. Charles Borromeo Church. We hope to expand the Family Group Movement to the other Churches in All Saints Parish. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us no matter where you live, for WE ARE ALL ONE PARISH!
Family Groups is quite a remarkable adventure to embark on. It is exciting because of all the heartening and supporting relationships that will grow in your Family Group. At the same time, it can be a little frightening, because you start out on a journey with people who, at the beginning, may be strangers to you. In either case, you will find the rewards of joining a Family Group very worthwhile.
There is a Leader couple of your Group. Their job as Leaders is most definitely NOT to be the organizers of all that happens. They are Leaders as in SERVANTS to the Group. All adults share the workload in the practical matters of your Family Group life. The Leaders are there to assist all members to get to know one another, be aware of any needs in the group, and know what is happening within the Group. They also keep in contact with the other Leaders and the Family Group Coordinators in the parish.
One of the best ways you can support your Leaders and each other is by regular attendance at the various monthly activities that your fellow members have arranged. It’s great for bonding and morale when there is a good turnout! Members to take turns in planning the yearly “Family Group Calendar.” Some individual families take a month; others team up with another family to host an activity.
Please contact:
Peggy Mason, Coordinator